Fr, 31.05.2019, 18:00 Uhr
blurred edges – Stories of Waves

Movements and sounds from everyday life Matthew Rogers (US): dance Roland Wendling: percussion, objects Felix Mayer: trombone Felix and Roland, based in Hamburg, have been playing and performing improvised acoustic music together for the past year. Matthew has often dance performances in Hamburg where we met Matthew, coming up with the idea of improvising our music with his dance. In order to explore our artistic positions, we discussed and rehearsed. Curious movements andsounds from everyday life coupled with the cultivated tools of our differentartistic backgrounds seem to offer a nourishing soil and a welcomingatmosphere. Leonid Kharlamov: performance Ein Suchender ist von Begriffen überfordert, wenn der Verstand die Bilder verliert und wie in einem Museumzu einer Darstellung seines eigenen Seins wird.