Fr, 02.06.2023, 20:00 Uhr
blurred edges – Journey has been cancelled?

Kriton Beyer: Daxophone Roy Carroll: Transducers Andrew Levine: Theremin & other electronics First of all, the concert _will_ take place ;-) After much to and fro it has found it's place in idyllic Klein-Borstel, easily reached by S-Bahn (Station Kornweg). So, what to expect? When Kriton Beyer, Roy Carroll and Andrew Levine meet–for the first time!–it's like three tornadoes gently collide. Theremin, transducers and daxophone feeding back upon one another for an intricate, cataclysmic, deep experience.
Eintritt: Eintritt frei. Um Spenden wird gebeten.
Ort: Maria Magdalenen, Stübeheide 172, 22337 Hamburg