Do, 14.01.2010, 21:00 Uhr
Nordzucker+Tim Hodgkinson

Tim Hodgkinson, lap steel guitar + Nordzucker: Birgit Ulher, trompete, radio, speaker Lars Scherzberg, saxofon Michael Maierhof, cello Chris Heenan, kontrabassklarinette TIM HODGKINSONStarted on alto saxophone with free-jazz and happenings group at school. Then from 68 to 78 full-time member of Henry Cow on alto, clarinet, electric organ. This band played both fully scored compositions and free collective improvisations in concert. My first solo improv gig was in 79 at London Musicians' Collective, playing a set-up that included keyboard, guitar on floor, reeds, varied other sound sources, processors such as ring modulators and analogue tape delay etc. Released Splutter, album of solo improvisations in 85, and first tour of USA in duo with Fred Frith in same year; also played with Zorn, Sharp, Staley and others. Gave up improvising on keyboards in early 90's, when I began to focus exclusively on reeds and lap steel guitar. Around the same time began a series of study trips to Siberia, playing with Siberian musicians, working with percussionist Ken Hyder. Toured and recorded with Ossatura group in late 90's.Current ongoing projects include: K-Space with Hyder and Tuvan musician Gendos Chamzyryn. Konk Pack with Roger Turner and Thomas Lehn, many tours and festivals, fourth CD out soon on Grob. ZINC trio with Roger and Hannah Marshall. Le Pecore di Dante, duo with Elio Martusciello. DACH quartet with Anna Maria Avram, Iancu Dumitrescu, Chris Cutler. Black Paintings with vocalist Nick Hobbs. RAZ-3 with Lu Edmunds and Hyder. I'm also a member of the Hyperion Ensemble in which I play bass clarinet. And of course all kinds of occasional performances, clarinet solos, improvising workshops, anywhere from conservatoires to autistic children's centres. In addition there is my work as a composer, and also as a part-time anthropologist, which interacts with my improvisation. Nordzucker Seit 2004 erkundet das Quartett NORDZUCKER einen sehr eigenen Klangraum.Lars Scherzberg, Michael Maierhof, Chris Heenan und Birgit Ulher haben eine individuelle Klangsprachejenseits des konventionellen Instrumentalklangs entwickelt, sie arbeitenmit erweiterten Spieltechniken und Präparationen z.B. mit Wäscheklammern,Metallobjekten und Dämpfern.Die offene, von Pausen durchsetzte Textur wird bestimmt von aufgespaltenenund mehrschichtigen Klängen und Klangmischungen. Die Musik vonNORDZUCKER verbindet improvisatorische Freiheit mit musikalischer Präzision.Die erste CD -500 gr.- des Hamburger Trios (inzwischen Quartetts) ist erschienen bei dem portugiesischenLabel Creative Sources.