Fr, 04.02.2011, 20:00 Uhr
Lisa Ullén / Nina de Heney

Lisa Ullen, piano Nina de Heney, kontrabass Lisa Ullén and Nina de Heney Duo have been playing as a duo since 2007, andhave rapidly gained recognition as one the most thrilling new groups on theimprovisation scene in Sweden. They are individually known and respected as wellestablished performers, having each developped a personal sound on their respectiveinstruments. They have performed at the main festivals in Sweden, such as the UmeåInternational Jazz Festival and the Stockholm Jazz Festival, and their music hasseveral times been broad-casted on the National Swedish Jazz Radio P2. Nina de Heney Double BassBorn in 1962, she grew up in Switzerland. She studied with Miroslav Vitous atthe New England Conservatory of Music in Boston from 1981 to 1983. She moved toSweden in 1983, where she again studied from 1988 to 1993 at the GöteborgConservatory of Music, where she also achieved a Soloist Diploma 2004 to 2006.She has been free-lancing on the jazz and improvisation scene in Sweden for many yearswith a number of groups. She started doing solo perfomances in 1992, often workingwith dancers. She founded, together with dancer Anna Westberg, the festival Dance’nBass in May 2008.Her first solo recording was released in 2007 and she also released a recording with thetrio Acoustic Electronics with Charlotte Hug, viola, and Christian Jormin, percussion.Her second solo recording was released in September 2009.She has several times been awarded funds by the Swedish Arts Grant Lisa Ullén :pianist and composer.Born Seoul Korea, grew up in the north of Sweden, now based inStockholm . Graduated in 1986-1990 from the Royal Academy of Music , Stockholm .Has also studied jazz and improvisation at Chapel Hill NC USA. electroacoustic musicat EMS(Electro Accoustic Studio of Sweden)She is active on the Swedish jazz och improvisation scene with several projects andconstellations. Also has many international collaborations, and has been touring inEurope and the USA. She has recently released her second album Revolution Rock withher band; this fall the international trio Ullén/Mazur/Dora Trio will release their secondalbum Behind and Beyond on a Polish label.TRANSIDIOMATIC. She has beensupported and rewarded by the Swedish Arts Council, the Society ofSwedish Composers , Swedish Arts Grant, and the Royal Musical Academy.