Sa, 22.10.2011, 15:00 Uhr
Karo Shopping Music #2

15:00 - 15:30 (pünktlich) Antez, Perkussion Helmuth Alio-Neumann, Trompete, Watussihorn Ulla Levens, Violine Im zweiten Konzert der Reihe "Karo Shopping Music" treffen Mitglieder des TonArt-Ensembles auf den Percussionisten Antez aus Grenobel. Antez is a percussionist is a sculptor who explores the sound matter by interviewing the physical perception of sound. He studied drums with the musician Jacques Givry, electroacoustic music with composer Xavier Garcia. It play improvisation and offers sound installations, he has worked in theater, dance, film... with bands: Art moulu, La Cellule d'Intervention Metamkine, A contrario... Cie: Abîme, La Sallie, Ile désirée. Musicians: Yann Gourdon, Seijiro Murayama, Fabrice Césario,Tim Hodgkinson, David Chiesa, Jérôme Noëtinger...