Mo, 05.09.2016, 19:00 Uhr

FÄLLT AUS! Die Künstlergespräch mit Hanan Benammar wird auf 9. Januar 2017 verschoben. Hanan Benammar (Algeria, France b. 1989) lives and works in between Norway, France and The Netherlands. "Originally coming from a musical background, I do not consider my practice shaped by any medium. Nevertheless, my work is mostly based on music, sound, writings, talks, field recordings and different archival strategies. All my projects start with a journey.By putting myself aside of the authorial persona, I wish and I consider art as an activity essentially enriched by the collective, expanded by hazardous changes, mistakes and misuses.Most of my projects are realised on a long time scale. The monumentality of the time factor, effort and people involved, opposed to the essential low coefficient of visibility of my projects is the tension that drives my practice. Travelling is a methodical tool. I choose to focus in "difficult" landscapes, arid and deserted, the ones that physically and mentally challenge myself and others. Geopolitical and environmental issues as well as traditional oral and social practices are the main reason I have fixed my attention to these regions of the world." French/Algerian Oslo-based artist Hanan Benammar will introduce us to her artistic and musical work. The artist talk is taking part within the frame of Radikal Unsichtbar - Centre for Collective Learning and Radical Listening. Hanan Benammar: Feilkontroll: