Sa, 28.12.2019, 22:00 Uhr
Ausklangfestival: Asmus Tietchens / Peter Wolff

Asmus Tietchens "Klänge und Geräusche aus bleichenBrunnen und von Flächen ohneMenschen. Fernab von jederLebenswirklichkeit Elektronik aus demluftleeren Raum - keine field recordings,keine drones. Reine Synthese." Peter Wolff Peter Wolff started his solo career inearly 2018 after he left his sphericBlack Metal band Downfall Of Gaiawhere he was co-founder and one of themain songwriters. After many years ofcontinuous worldwide touring, releasingseveral well received albums on MetalBlade Records and developing to one ofthe most important bands of their genre, he felt that it was time to head towards differentsonic shores. Starting to experiment with synthesizers, piano, acoustic instruments and field recordings,Peter Wolff released his first solo album “Repeat” in February 2018.While supporting actslike Scott Kelly of Neurosis and Chelsea Wolfe, playing festivals like german undergroundinstitutions Fusion and Droneburg, writing and producing music for movies and tv stationsand releasing an online only single series called “Lone Series” he created continuously newmusic, experimenting with new instruments and expanding his spectrum while gladlyignoring the frontiers of genres and styles.The stunning result of this work will be released beginning of 2019 under the Name“BREATH” again on My Proud Mountain.This record is much more structured, cinematic,flaring, emotional, diversified and dynamical. “BREATH” creates deep and low soundscapes,walls of bass and pressure, still filled with intimate structures and sounds that merge intogentle and atmospheric melodies and explode into full orchestrated sonic storms as well asharsh and disturbing guitar shrieks. A symbiosis of synthesizer, piano, electronic beats anddrums, guitars, strings and brass, mixed with self created instruments and acousticexperiences he collected while traveling through the world. “BREATH“ will definitely openup a new and exciting chapter in Peter Wolffs career.For the visual embodiment of his upcoming material he worked together with video artistsKai Litzke and Noemi Nicolaisen, who created an art movie inspired by Peter Wolffs music.The movie will enrich his live performances and will be released together with the album.“BREATH“ was recorded through 2018 and was mixed and mastered by Jonas Romann atthe end of the year.It is especially recommended if you love Ben Frost, Max Richter, Nils Frahm, Bohren & derClub Of Gore, Chelsea Wolfe, Mamiffer and Wolves In The Throne Room. Discography:2018 – REPEAT (Vinyl & CD)2018 – LONE SERIES 1: SWARM (Digital) 2019 – BREATH (Vinyl, CD & DVD)