Mi, 18.03.2020, 20:00 Uhr
CANCELLED _ _ Sonopol#17: NOORG, Arques/Metzger, Der Beauftragte

NOORG Eric Brochard + Loïc Guénin The drone and the organum. Resulting from the acoustic, electronic, rhythmic, and harmonic fusion of two musicological concepts, the approach consists in a subtle foray into the textures, layers, and ever-changing colours of a sound kneaded to the infinite. Hovering between an experimental noise, with resolutely contemporary aesthetics and an electro-acoustic drone, NOORG’s music refuses to adhere to a specific category.The two musicians sculpt sound like matter, weaving a complex web from a unique continuous strand.They work with the utmost precision on this single thread, refining the layers and moving the sources of sound in space to generate an acoustic, electronic, rhythmic and harmonic soundscape. http://www.noorg.art/en/ Duo Arques/Metzger Yves Arques – objects, electronics Heiner Metzger – clarinet, objects Yves ARQUES is a french improviser living in Germany, active in the experimental music scenes of these both countries.He studied jazz piano, classical composition and choral conducting in the music shools of Grenoble, Chambéry, Paris and Lausanne, and also participated in many workshops with Bruno Chevillon, Marc Ducret, Joëlle Léandre, Jacques Demierre and Guillaume Orti.He developped his playing on the prepared piano as well as on a self-made electro-acoustic setup.He’s currently taking part in several projects including Lemaire/Arques (Tricollectif), Pareidolia (JACC), Gelber Flieder, Todos los Pajaros, Duo Eclipse and Namioto.With these projects, Yves Arques has released the following recordings: "De l'eau la nuit" (Tricollection 2015), "Meditation #4" (2017), "Trobar Beams" (2017), "Selon le vent" (JACC Records 2017), and "Eclipse" (2017).He was also invited to different festivals throughout Europe and South America such as: Soirées Tricots 2015 (Paris, FR), Blurred Edges 2016 (Hamburg, DE), Festival international de Jazz 2016 (Buenos Aires, AR), JACC Festival 2017 (Coimbra, PT), Détours de Babel 2015 (Grenoble, FR). http://www.yvesarques.com/ Heiner Metzger Heiner Metzger lives and works in Hamburg.He is involved since the early eighties in improvisation and experimental music, where he plays soundtable, saxophon, clarinet, synthesizer and piano with ensembles and once only groupings.At that time he co-founded the groups: vis, tyrrn, Timeta and worked with dancers and visual artists and the Weltmusik Ensemble.Later he joined the TonArt-Ensemble, a group of hamburg improvisers where he explored the graphical notation as chance of an open composition for about ten musicians. At 2005 he created the soundtable, an instrument with whom he zooms in on the sounds of objects and the table, sometimes amplified by piezo pick-ups.He performs the soundtable in duo with Birgit Ulher (tp) and the Stark Bewölkt Quartett with Gregory Büttner, Michael Maierhof, Birgit Ulher and collaborated with musicians invited to the h7-club: Claus von Bebber, Ofer Bymel, John Butcher, Dimitra Lazaridou Chatzigoga, Gene Coleman, Julia Eckhardt, John Hughes, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Tim Hodgkinson, Sofia Jernberg, Bonny Jones, Christian Kesten, Goh Lee Kwang, Gunnar Lettow, Sebastian Lexer, Lugiano Maggiore, Ulrich Phillipps, Ernesto Rodrigues, Keith Rowe, Lars Scherzberg, Wolfgang Schliemann, Christoph Schiller, Damon Smith, Olivier Toulemonde, Jonas Kocher, Nate Wooley, Seymour Wright... a.o. http://www.heinermetzger.de/ Der Beauftragte Eine audiovisuelle Performance mit theatralischen Elementen. Das Publikum erwartet eine metaphorische Auseinandersetzung mit der Beziehung zwischen Ego und Logos. Der Beauftragte ist gleichzeitig der Antragsteller und Prüfer. Er geht durch seine eigene Existenz mit sicheren Schritten ins Abstraktum, um dort in Folge einer Metamorphose seinen Frieden zu finden. Das Kollektiv begleitet ihn dabei: Leonid Kharlamov, Kristin Kuldkepp, Felix Mayer, Detlef Schlagheck, Michael Steinhauser, Trinidad Martinez