Di, 17.03.2020, 20:00 Uhr
3 people: Louise Vind Nielsen, Rosh Zeeba, David Wallraf

3 people sound, performance, video 17.03. 20h Louise Vind Nielsen (*Denmark, 1984) is a Hamburg-based conceptual sound artist, visual artist and composer, working in particular with sound-performances and film. Her body of work deals with the mystery of how we listen and perceive our surroundings, as well as the interrelations between humans and machines. In a diverse artistic practise connecting elements of poetry, greek mythology, music and social engagement, Louise Vind Nielsen often examines complex themes with an obscure and humorous approach. For her musical compositions the psychophysical effects of minimalism, harsh noise and repetitive patterns are central, including analog synthesis, sequencing, voice, sampling, tapes and contact mics on various materials, and latest a tiny organ. Louise holds a degree from the Det Jyske Kunstakademi - Diplom (MFA) from 2013 has studied at Hochschule fur Bildende Künste Hamburg (2011-2012). Her work has been shown in Scandinavia, Turkey, Lithuania and Germany and released on MAGIA (Copenhagen), TTT (Hamburg) and Research and Waves (Berlin). Her Hamburg-based project "Radikal Unsichtbar - Centre for Collective Learning and Radical Listening" aims to explore a language of listening through workshops, lectures and publications. opulent silence _site specific video installation and make-over challenge_ by Rosh Zeeba'* *Rosh Zeeba works in the fields of video, performance, multimedia installation and film. Zeeba is also the producer and mother of the haus of xhaos - a queer, unapologetic performance project (and soon to be webseries) featuring drag queens and other creatures from the minding gap.She_*_ creates sensual, disrupting and osmotic works that consist of her archive of moving image and shifting personas. https://www.roshzeeba.com David Wallraf forscht seit 2010 zur Theorie und Praxis von Noise. 2019 hat er an der Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg die Promotion Grenzen des Hörens – Noise und die Akustik des Politischen abgeschlossen. Seine Audioarbeiten und Konzerte erschließen eine Hörbarmachung des Unhörbaren: die Transformation von elektromagnetischen Schwingungen und Interferenzen in den Hörbereich werden mit übersteuerten Field Recordings und modularen Synthesizern zu einer Zone des Unbestimmten verwoben, die eine verdrängte und fremdartige Akustik des Alltags erfahrbar machen. https://davidwallraf.com/ https://davidwallraf.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/david-wallraf