Do, 14.10.2021, 19:00 Uhr
Anachronism 63245986

In July we did the Plattenfroster season finale aboard the great mothership, live out of the belly of the boat. Now we are back with a full on physical event and are excited once again to invite you down below to revel in the sonic delights. · Team:Intim... merciless though with great tenderness, the life of a young woman is portrayed. Fluctuating betweenaggression and devotion, impulsiveness and serenity.Closeness and fear – in the past with passionate ideals, now with a sobering sense of pragmatism. Selfformation, self creation, shows itself soft, shy and brutal. In their compositions text and sound continuouslyrediscovers itself. Fragments melt and merge into caressing harmonies revealing a glimpse into theabyss. · Sinister Sveta... is working with sonic paradoxes, deep listening, unstable systems, acousmatic mystery andimprovisation. Sinister Sveta’s live performance is a mixture of musique concrete and electro-acousticelements, Ambient-Noise, Tribalism, Industrial and techno · Jiyun Park... is a sound artist based in Cologne. She deepened her engagement with soundart at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts. By experimenting with different types ofmaterials, she explores sensory and synaesthetic states in search of hidden and inherent sounds, spatialacoustics and performances for crossing borders in relation to space and time.Self-Built Instrument is focused on sound performance with an experimental instrumentwhich is composed of strings and metallic sound box, producing overtones, harmonicsand feed- back. It is capable to play with different sound colours : Resonances by cooper, bowing on strings, overtones and feedback. Schwall deejay on the decks from 7 onwards. Concert from 8 onwards. Tickets: 3G Rules Apply