Mi, 12.04.2023, 19:00 Uhr
Anachronism #2971215073

concert series for music and non music lineup: ± Ervin Omsk ± ecolagbohrsac2021 ± Mari Lena Rapprich ± yts-1 ± Schwall Deejay (DJ-Set) Das Konzert wird unterstützt vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg. https://www.instagram.com/anachronism_1 https://www.facebook.com/chronologicalinconsistencies http://anachronism.de https://www.vamh.de – entry: 19.00 – start: 20.00 – presale: 5€ + fee + 1€ fairt-tix.de donation – box office: 7€ Tickets: https://www.tixforgigs.com/Event/47808 Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/207901485157016 https://ms.stubnitz.com/calendrier/2023-04-12 ***** ***** ***** Ervin Omsk Ervin Omsk is a pseudonym of Germany based musician and visual artist Sven Fritz. His music is based on a spatial approach, using oscillators, percussion, speech fragments, noise and many other sources to approximate a sense of texture and terrain through sound, seamlessly moving between clear structure and total abstraction. In 2020 US based Orange Milk Records released his debut album Peilen. In spring 2022 the New York based Collective International Winners released an EP entitled Room For 3 People. A sophomore album entitled Schmalster Point will be released by Orange Milk Records in April 2023. Ervin Omsk is performing live with modular synth, computer, flute and voice. https://www.instagram.com/ervinomsk/ ***** ENGLAND'S COUNCIL OF LEGISLATION AND GOVERNING BODY OF HYPER REAL SIMULATIONS AND CONSTRUCTS [a.k.a ecolagbohrac2021] is a multimedia [installation, live A/V , quantum research, fashion, crypto & ai] powerhouse, conceptually focusing on mythic themes/folklore that populate the archetypal strata of the modern technological psyche, hypermedia and our understanding of reality. Musically in the style of of draconic mediaeval EDM, crystal swampcore, deep-fried Digital Middle Age hyperblackmetalpop, magick Lamborghini ride-core, delysidMIDI trance chord-pack dance tunes for shaking stars, sampling of prayers from alternate worlds, sp3xtral matrix-grim3, postnuclear Barbican skatepark Splice pack mash-up dancefloor music, 3D glitter pandemonium .gif flower garden ambient and folk music of the other syde, their 2023 performances are an audio/visual compendium composed of a hallucinated ‘remix-culture’ [spaces of shared co-creation beyond the boundaries of one’s present time or location memergence of doom / a total annihilation and reconstruction of reality via cut-ups], hypermedia clairvoyance, speculative cyntery, multiplying reproductions of reality that actually doesn't exist and crystalline euphoria of South London funfair rides across it’s bogs and mires. They are SHAPE alumni, have performed at venues, clubs and festivals such as FOLD, IKLECTIK, TodaysArt and Sonar Festival. Their previous LP, THE ONLY WAY WE KNOW TO HAVE FUN [self-released, 2021], was highly praised by the likes of The Quietus, XLR8R, The Wire, Electronic Sound, Crack Magazine, FACT, Resonance FM, MTV, BBC. Their next album EUPHORIA will be released on the London based mixed-reality biome and art platform Most Dismal Swamp in the spring of 2023. https://ecolagbohrsac2021.co.uk/ https://www.instagram.com/atayilgun_ecolagbohrsac2021/ https://soundcloud.com/ecolagbohrsac-2021 https://open.spotify.com/album/1tuPLevOv2yA45vzk5uBdC?si=MqD93gE6RD6h2EuGINp1NA https://ra.co/dj/ecolagbohrsac2021 ***** In freien Improvisationen verbindet Mari Lena Rapprich elektronische Spannungen, Radiofrequenzen und fragmentarische Soundschnipsel mit sich überlagernden Rhythmen, die in einem permanenten Loop verbinden. Dabei nimmt Mari Lena uns mit auf ein Zwischenspiel aus Offbeat, Herzfrequenzen und Field Recordings. Der sich langsam aufbauende Rhythmus lädt ein zum Verweilen und genauem hinhören. Mari Lena Rapprich ist Künstler:in, Kurator:in und Researcher. Mari Lena initiiert und kuratiert regelmäßig Projekte, Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungsformate, oftmals an der Schnittstelle von Kunst und Wissenschaft, und nimmt an verschiedenen (inter-)nationalen Ausstellung teil. Mit ihrer eigenen Arbeit bewegt Mari Lena sich zwischen systematischen Zeichnungen und experimentellen Klanglandschaften. Neuerdings spielt Mari Lena auch Konzerte. www.marilenarapprich.de https://soundcloud.com/marilenarapprich https://www.instagram.com/mlrampe ***** yts-1 abstract real time internet sampling performance with in-sync audiovisual output https://maxwolfs.com https://yts-1.com https://rhizomaticmachines.com *****