Di, 25.04.2023, 19:30 Uhr
Chattermark, Jetzmann

experimental | drone | noise | ambient | sound art Norwegian noise-drone duo CHATTERMARK creates soundscapes and walls of sound. The duo consists of John Lilja – electric bass and effects, and Gunhild Seim – trumpet and effects. Their self-titled first album came out on Drollehålå Records in September 2022. Inspirations for the music come from such diverse sources as Sunn 0))), Anthony Pateras and Franz Hautzinger. “I was catapulted back to what I might call, a primeval imagination” Erol Tamerman, Festival of New Trumpet Music supported by JETZMANN, musically socialized by bands (e.g. Die Erde, Mastino). Since the turn of the millenium he concentrated on music for contemporary dance and radio work. In concerts, he incorporates elements of improvisation and noise into loops and tipping figures of rhythm and metabolistic arhythm, using samplers, synthesizers, stompboxes, and reading short texts. Tickets: https://www.tixforgigs.com/Event/47887 Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/6084754441584510 https://stubnitz.com/calendrier/2023-04-25 Das Konzert wird unterstützt vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg. ***** ***** ***** Norwegian noise-drone duo Chattermark consists of John Lilja – electric bass and effects, and Gunhild Seim – trumpet and effects. After having worked together in other bands for many years, Lilja and Seim formed Chattermark out of a desire to extend and transform their sound with the use of effects and extended techniques. Inspirations for the music come from such diverse sources as Sunn 0))), Anthony Pateras and Franz Hautzinger. Chattermark released their debut album in the fall of 2022, and on tour they also bring with them the audiovisual work «Mycelium» which is a collaboration with visual artist Christine Urdal. After having worked together in other bands for many years, Lilja and Seim formed Chattermark out of a desire to extend and transform their sound with the use of effects and extended techniques, and create something both massive and minimalistic. Chattermark's next performances are in Switzerland and Germany in April 2023. Their performance includes videos by visual artists Signe Christine Urdal and Jon Garcia DePresno, for instance the a.v. piece "Mycelium", a meditation on the forest, a collaboration with Urdal, commissioned by Dave Douglas's Festival of New Trumpet Music in New York 2021. "Mycelium" had its Norwegian premiere in 2022 at Orgelnatt in Stavanger Concert House with live music by Chattermark + guest Nils Henrik Asheim on organ. It was also Official Selection by Nature Without Borders International Film Festival (US) 2022 “I was catapulted back to what I might call, a primeval imagination” Erol Tamerman (Festival of New Trumpet Music) "In this piece, Urdal and Seim investigate the relationship between nature and humans" Arvid Skancke-Knutsen (Ballade magazine) https://chattermark.bandcamp.com/album/chattermark Mycelium film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33_mww9i5ck https://www.gunhildseim.com/project/chattermark https://www.instagram.com/chattermarkband https://www.facebook.com/chattermarkband ***** Jetzmann (H. Petersen) wurde musikalisch durch Bands wie Die Erde, Mastino u.a. sozialisiert (s. Filmdokumentation „Die Liebe frisst das Leben“ von Oliver Schwabe). Er konzentrierte sich nach der Jahrtausendwende auf die Produktion von Bühnenmusik und Radioarbeit. Er produziert zwei regelmäßige Sendungen beim Hamburger FSK: „Radio Gagarin“ mit Asmus Tietchens und den wöchentlichen „AUSFLUG“. Zusammen mit Emol (Plastiq, Twisk) betreibt er das Poetry-Projekt VERTONT https://vertont.bandcamp.com/ Im Konzert bindet er Elemente von Improvisation und Geräusch ein in Loops und Kippfiguren aus Rhythmus und metabolistischem Arhythmus, benutzt Sampler, Synthesizer, Stompboxen und liest kurze Texte. Letzte Vinyl-Veröffentlichungen: Die Single „Bullenwagen klaun und die Innenstadt demolieren“ zusammen mit Ale Dumbsky als Jetsky (riotbikerecords, vergriffen). Auf der LP „Use the Air“ sind Titel aus seinen Bühnenproduktionen zu finden. https://aufabwegen.bandcamp.com/album/use-the-air https://www.instagram.com/jetzmann https://www.facebook.com/jetzmann http://jetzmann.radylon.com Videos etlicher Tanzproduktionen hier: https://jennybeyer.de/videothek/