Mi, 19.04.2023, 19:30 Uhr
PoiL Ueda (fr/jp)

progressive rock | satsuma-biwa | buddhist shomyo chant | avant-garde PoiL Ueda is the result of a collaboration between Junko Ueda, a vocalist and satsuma-biwa player from Japan, and PoiL, a French rock/contemporary music band. Through the fusion of an ancient Japanese traditional music with a hyper modern European musical formation, this project offers the opportunity to discover a unique musical universe. Einlass: 19:30 Beginn: 20:30 Vorverkauf 14€ (+ Gebühren + 1 ClubEuro fair-tix.de Spende) Abendkasse 18€ Ermäßigter Eintritt an der Abendkasse für Schüler*innen, Student*innen, Sozialhilfeempfänger*innen gegen Vorlage von Nachweisen: 12€ Tickets: https://www.tixforgigs.com/Event/47308 https://www.ticketmaster.de/event/500515 ***** ***** ***** POIL UEDA | FRENCH JAPANESE CREATION OF POIL AND JUNKO UEDA PoiL Ueda is the result of a collaboration between Junko Ueda, a vocalist and satsuma-biwa player from Japan, and PoiL, a French rock/contemporary music band. The creation is based on the 13th-century Japanese epic tale "Heike-Monogatari." The composition is based on traditional epic singing accompanied by the satsuma-biwa and Buddhist Shomyo chant. Through the fusion of an ancient Japanese traditional music with a hyper modern European musical formation, this project offers the opportunity to discover a unique musical universe. An innovative performance where PoiL's unrestrained experimental rock blends with the mellow and sinuous voice, the compelling narrative, and the remarkable charisma of Junko Ueda. Antoine Arnera | keyboards Boris Cassone | guitar Ben Lecomte | electro acoustic bass Guilhem Meier | drums & percussion Junko Ueda | voice & Satsuma Biwa PoiL Ueda - Dan no Ura - 壇ノ浦の戦い - Live 2021 (Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cglVyEFzeZY PoiL Ueda - Kokô - Final scene of ‘Ataka’ 「安宅」- Live 2021 (Video): https://youtu.be/yEJknCQdZJU?t=217 https://duretdoux.com/en/poil-ueda-french-japanese-creation-of-poil-and-junko-ueda https://poil.bandcamp.com/track/dan-no-ura https://www.facebook.com/POILband https://www.instagram.com/poil.official https://www.youtube.com/user/PoiLmusic https://open.spotify.com/artist/53ZjY7ALc7Da0E3eHnwk5X https://www.facebook.com/duretdoux https://www.instagram.com/duretdoux