Di, 25.04.2023, 13:00 Uhr
die ganze platte: Genetic Transmission - News From Wormland/Zoharum

Das loabel schreibt: "After a longer break, we return to the GT Archive Series, in which we release those GENETIC TRANSMISSION materials that were previously released mainly on quite fragile CDR media which are practically unavailable today. So far, eight regular titles from the extensive discography of Tomek Twardawa have been published. In the next installment, with number 9, we present the album "News From Wormland", which was originally released in 2002. In many respects, it was a kind of continuation of the formula contained in " Spójrzcie Пожалуйста, Jakie Piękne Macie Gęby"; which was, for example, inspired by the work of Lautremont and the turpistic aura indispensable during listening. the impression of incessantly reigning chaos that emerges from the thicket of looped sound structures, based on scraps of field recordings and attempts to imitate the sounds of nature, with the use of industrial instruments with a rough and metallic resonance, sometimes interrupted in a split second by suddenly appearing silence. Using the cut-up technique, Tomek managed to create an intense and strongly influencing the imagination of the audience, something like a sound illustration composed in the spirit of the Lautremont's ars poetica, while at the same time being a sound complement to world created by poet in Maldoror's Songs." Kontakt: thomas@fsk-hh.org