Präsentation 52: Yan Jun

Lecture: "Can I compose my body?" Yan Jun, born in Lanzhou in 1973. based in Beijing. He is working on improvised music, experimental music, field recording, organizing and writing. Alongside of at venues, he goes to audience's home to play with the environment and what else available. And doing noise hypnotizing at any place for small amount of audiences. Recently also amplifying body movements or other performative elements in a simple manner.Sometimes he performs at audience\’s home with objects found in the room (Living Room Tour project). He is member of FEN, Tea Rockers Quintet and Impro Committee. And founder of the guerrilla label Sub Jam. Dienstag, 4.10.2016, 20.00 Uhr Âme Nue, Schaarsteinwegsbrücke 2, 20459 Hamburg Der Eintritt ist frei.